Tillinghast, Richard
TILLINGHAST, Richard. American, b. 1940. Genres: Poetry, Writing/ Journalism. Career: Asst Professor of English, University of California, Berkeley, 1968-73; Instructor, San Quentin Prison College Program, California, 1975-78; Visiting Asst Professor, University of the South, 1979- 80; Briggs-Copeland Lecturer, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1980-83; University of Michigan, assoc. professor of English, 1983-92, professor, 1992-. Publications: The Keeper, 1968; Sleep Watch, 1969, 1983; The Knife and Other Poems, 1980, 1983; Sewanee in Ruins, 1981; Our Flag Was Still There, 1984; A Quiet Pint in Kinvara, 1991; The Stonecutter's Hand, 1995; Robert Lowell's Life & Work: Damaged Grandeur, 1995; Today in the Cafe Trieste, 1997; (ed.) A Visit to the Gallery, 1997; Six Mile Mountain, 2000. Address: 1317 Granger Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, U.S.A. Online address: rwtill@umich.edu