Thompson, Mark L.

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THOMPSON, Mark L. American, b. 1945. Genres: Business/Trade/ Industry. Career: Michigan House of Representatives, Lansing, state representative, 1973-74; Lake Superior State College, Sault Ste. Marie, MI, instructor, 1979-81; Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, regional consultant and education director, 1981-83; Great Lakes Maritime Academy, Traverse City, MI, assistant to superintendent, 1983-85; Interlake Steamship Company, Cleveland, OH, merchant seaman, 1989-94; USS Great Lakes Fleet, Duluth, MN, merchant marine officer, 1995-; writer. Publications: Steamboats and Sailors of the Great Lakes, 1991; Queen of the Lakes, 1994; A Sailor's Logbook, 1998; Graveyard of the Lakes, 2000. Contributor to maritime periodicals. Address: 193 W. Huron Ave., Rogers City, MI 49779- 1335, U.S.A. Online address:

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