Thompson, Laurence Graham

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THOMPSON, Laurence Graham

THOMPSON, Laurence Graham. American (born People's Republic of China), b. 1920. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, History, Philosophy, Theology/Religion, Area studies, Translations, Bibliography. Career: Professor Emeritus of East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, since 1986 (Professor 1965-86). U.S. Foreign Service Staff Officer, Asian assignments, 1951-56; Representative, Asia Foundation, Korea and Taiwan, 1956-59; Professor of Music, Taiwan Normal University, 1959-62; Asst Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Pomona College, California, 1962-65. Publications: Chinese Religion: An Introduction, 1969, 5th ed. 1996; (compiler) Studies of Chinese Religion: A Comprehensive and Classified Bibliography of Publications in English, French, and German through 1970, 1975; Chinese Religions in Western Languages, 1976; Chinese Religions; Publications in Western Languages 1981 through 1990, 1993. TRANSLATOR: Fifty Years of Chinese Philosophy, 1898-1950, 1956, 1965; Ta T'ung Shu: The One-World Philosophy of K'ang Yu-Wei, 1958; The Taoist Tradition in Chinese Thought, by Yao-yü Wu, 1991; The Literati Tradition in Chinese Thought, by Yao-yü Wu, 1995; The Buddhist Tradition in Chinese Thought, by Yao-yü Wu, 1996; The Chinese Religious Traditions Collated, by Yao-yü Wu, 1997. EDITOR: The Chinese Way in Religion, 1973; Studia Asiatica: Essays in Felicitation of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of Professor Ch'en Shou-Yi, 1974. Address: Ventura Marina Mobile Home Park, 1215 Anchors Way Dr. Space #55, Ventura, CA 93001, U.S.A.

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