Taylor, Henry

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TAYLOR, Henry. American, b. 1942. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history, Translations. Career: American University, Washington, DC, assoc professor, 1971-76, director of American Studies Program, 1983-85, professor of literature, 1976-2003, co-director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing, 1982-2003, professor emeritus, 2003-. Magill's Literary Annual, editorial consultant, 1971-88; Roanoke College, VA, instructor in English, 1966-68; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, asst professor of English, 1968- 71; University of Utah Writers' Conference, director, 1969-72; Hollins College, VA, writer-in-residence, 1978; Wichita State University, distinguished poet in residence, 1994; Randolph-Macon Woman's College, poet in residence, 1997. Publications: The Horse Show at Midnight, 1966; Breakings, 1971; (author and ed.) Poetry: Points of Departure, 1974; An Afternoon of Pocket Billiards, 1975; (ed.) The Water of Light: A Miscellany in Honor of Brewster Ghiselin, 1976; Desperado, 1979; (trans. with R.A. Brooks) The Children of Herakles, trans. from Euripides' Heraklaidai, 1981; The Flying Change (poetry), 1985 (Pulitzer Prize); Compulsory Figures: Essays on Recent American Poets, 1992; (trans. with the author) Leaves from the Dry Tree, by V. Levchev, 1996; Understanding Fiction: Poems 1986-1996, 1996; (trans.) Electra, by Sophocles, 1998; (trans. with the author) Black Book of the Endangered Species, by V. Levchev, 1999; Brief Candles: 101 Clerihews (poetry), 2000. Address: Dept of Literature, 237 Battelle-Tompkins, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20026- 8047, U.S.A. Online address: htaylor@american.edu

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Taylor, Henry

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Taylor, Henry