Taylor, Helen

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TAYLOR, Helen. British, b. 1947. Genres: Communications/Media, Women's studies and issues, Literary criticism and history. Career: William Collins Publishers, London, England, personal assistant to nonfiction editor, 1971; Bristol Polytechnic, Bristol, England, lecturer to senior lecturer in literary studies, 1972-90; University of Warwick, Coventry, England, senior lecturer in American literature, 1990-97, reader, 1997-98; University of Exeter, Professor of English, 1999-, head of the School of English, 2000-. University of Bristol, extramural tutor, 1972-. Producer of television and radio programs, 1973-78; member of Adult Education Committee, Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1974-78; guest on British radio programs. Publications: (co-author) Half the Sky: An Introduction to Women's Studies, 1979; Gender, Race, and Region in the Writings of Grace King, Ruth McEnery Stuart, and Kate Chopin, 1989; Scarlett's Women: "Gone with the Wind" and Its Female Fans, 1989; (co-ed. and author of intro) Dixie Debates: Perspectives on Southern Cultures, 1996; Circling Dixie: Contemporary Southern Culture through a Transatlantic Lens, 2001. Author of introduction to books by K. Chopin and E. Moers. Address: School of English, University of Exeter, Queen's Building, Exeter EX4 4QH, England. Online address: Helen.Taylor@exeter.ac.uk

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Taylor, Helen

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