Taheri, Amir

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TAHERI, Amir. Iranian, b. 1942. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Kayhan Daily, Tehran, Iran, editor, 1973-79; Times, London, England, writer, 1980-84; Jeune Afrique, Paris, France, editor, 1985-87; Mideast Horizon, Paris, director, 1987; Politique Internationale, Paris, editor, 1999-; writer. Member of executive board of International Press Institute, 1984-92. Publications: The Spirit of Allah: Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution, 1985; Holy Terror: Inside the World of Islamic Terrorism, 1987; Nest of Spies: America's Journey to Disaster in Iran, 1988; The Cauldron, 1988; Crescent in a Red Sky: The Future of Islam in the Soviet Union, 1989; The Unknown Life of the Shah, 1991. Address: 41 Windemere Ave., London SW19 3EP, England. Online address: ataheri@hhsaudi.com