Susi, Geraldine Lee
SUSI, Geraldine Lee
SUSI, Geraldine Lee. American, b. 1942. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Illustrations. Career: Reading and mathematics specialist and teacher in Gwinn, MI, 1975-78; elementary reading specialist at elementary and junior high schools in Fairfax County, VA, 1978-97. Publications: HISTORICAL NOVELS: Looking for Pa: A Civil War Journey from Catlett to Manassas, 1861, 1995; (and illustrator) Looking Back: A Boy's Civil War Memories; (and illustrator) My Father, My Companion: Life at the Hollow, Chief Justice John Marshall's Boyhood Home in Virginia. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 7939 Kettle Creek Dr, Catlett, VA 20119, U.S.A. On- line address:
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Susi, Geraldine Lee