Stevenson, Elizabeth
STEVENSON, Elizabeth
STEVENSON, Elizabeth. American, b. 1919. Genres: History, Literary criticism and history, Biography. Career: Atlanta Public Library, GA, Library assistant, 1948-56; Emory University, Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Atlanta, assistant to Dean of Emory College, 1960-74, Research associate, assistant professor to professor, 1974-86, Emeritus Candler professor of American Studies, 1986-. Publications: The Crooked Corridor: A Study of Henry James, 1949; Henry Adams, 1955, 1997, (Bancroft Prize); (ed.) A Henry Adams Reader, 1958; Lafcadio Hearn, 1961, as The Grass Lark: A Study of Lafcadio Hearn, 1998; Babbitts and Bohemians: The American 1920s, 1967, 1997; Park Maker: A Life of Frederick Law Olmsted, 1977, Figures in A Western Landscape, 1994.