Stephens, William Peter

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STEPHENS, William Peter

STEPHENS, William Peter. British, b. 1934. Genres: History, Intellectual history, Theology/Religion, Translations. Career: Assistant Tutor in New Testament, 1958-61, and Holder of Ranmoor Chair of Church History, 1971- 73, Hartley Victoria College, Manchester; Minister of Nottingham West Circuit and Methodist Chaplain, University of Nottingham, 1961-65; Minister, Methodist Church, Shirley, Croydon, 1967-71; Holder of Randles Chair of Theology, Wesley College, Bristol, 1973-80; Bristol City Council- lor, 1976-83; Fellow, 1980-81, and Tutor in Church History, 1981-86, Queen's College, Birmingham; Professor of Church History, 1986-99, Dean of Faculty of Divinity, 1987-89, Provost of Faculty of Divinity, 1989-90, University of Aberdeen; President, Methodist Conference, 1998-99; Superintendent Minister, Plymouth Methodist Mission, 1999-2000; Minister of the Mint Methodist Church, Exeter, 2000-02; Visiting Professor, University of Exeter, 2001- (Methodist Chaplain, 2000-02); Superintendent Minister, Liskeard and Looe Circuit, 2002-. Publications: (trans.) Luther's Works vol. 41; Church and Ministry, 1966; The Holy Spirit in the Theology of Martin Bucer, 1970; Faith and Love (sermons), 1971; Christians Conferring, 1978; (with J. Todd) Our Churches, 1978; Methodism in Europe, 1981; The Theology of Huldrych Zwingli, 1986; Zwingli: An Introduction to His Thought, 1992; (ed.) The Bible, the Reformation and the Church, 1995; Zwingli: Einfuehrung in Sein Denken, 1997; Zwingli le theologien, 1999. Address: Wesley House, Bay Tree Hill, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 4BG, England. Online address:

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