Stephens, Meic

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STEPHENS, Meic. Welsh, b. 1938. Genres: Poetry, Language/Linguistics, Literary criticism and history. Career: Ebbw Vale Grammar School, French master, 1962-66; Poetry Wales magazine, editor, 1965-73; Western Mail, Cardiff, journalist, 1966-67; Welsh Arts Council, literature director, 1967-90; Brigham Young University, Utah, visiting professor, 1991-92; University of Glamorgan, lecturer, 1994-, professor of Welsh writing in English, 2001; freelance editor, journalist, and consultant. Publications: Triad, 1962; Exiles All, 1973; Linguistic Minorities in Western Europe, 1976; A Bibliography of Literature in 20th-Century Wales, 1994; Ponies, Twynyrodyn and Other Poems, 1997; Cydymaith i Lenyddiaeth Cymru, 1997; A Militant Muse: Selected Literary Journalism of Harri Webb, 1998; Wales in Quotation, 1999; Welsh Names for Children, 2000; The Literary Pilgrim in Wales, 2000; A Semester in Zion: A Journal with Memoirs, 2003. EDITOR: (with J.S. Williams) The Lilting House, 1969; (with R.B. Jones) Writers of Wales Series, 1970-; Artists in Wales I-III, 1971-77; The Welsh Language Today, 1973; A Reader's Guide to Wales, 1973; (with P. Finch) Green Horse, 1978; The Arts in Wales 1950-75, 1979; The Curate of Clyro: Extracts from the Diary of Francis Kilvert, 1983; The Oxford Companion to the Literature of Wales, 1986; A Book of Wales, 1987; A Cardiff Anthology, 1987; A Dictionary of Literary Quotations, 1989; The Bright Field, 1991; Changing Wales, 1991-97; A Most Peculiar People: Quotations about Wales and The Welsh, 1992; The Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to Great Britain and Ireland, 1992; A Rhondda Anthology, 1994; The Collected Poems of Harri Webb, 1995; The Collected Poems of Glyn Jones, 1996; The Collected Stories of Rhys Davies III, 1996-98; No Half-way House: Selected Political Journalism of Harri Webb, 1997; A Little Book of Welsh Quotations, 1997; A Little Book of Welsh Sayings, 1998; Looking Up England's Arsehole, 2000; The Corgi series, 2000-; Rhys Davies, 2001; Decoding the Hare: Rhys Davies, 2001; (with D. Smith) A University and Its Community, 2003. TRANSLATOR: The White Stone, 1987; For the Sake of Wales: The Memoirs of Gwynfor Evans, 1996; The Basques: Their Struggle for Independence, 1996; Monica, 1997; Illuminations: An Anthology of Welsh Short Prose, 1998; A White Afternoon and Other Stories, 1998; Shadow of the Sickle, 1998; Return to Lleifior, 1999; The Plum Tree, 2004. Address: 10 Heol Don, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 2AU, Wales. Online address:

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Stephens, Meic

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