Starkey, David

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STARKEY, David. American. Genres: Poetry. Career: Francis Marion University, Florence, SC, instructor, 1990-94, assistant professor of English, 1994-95; North Central College, Naperville, IL, assistant professor of English, 1995-99; associate professor, 1999-2001; University of Oulu, Finland, Fulbright professor of English, 1999. South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts, instructor at Academy, 1991, instructor in Rural Outreach Program, 1991-95; gives readings from his works, including appearances in England and on radio programs. Publications: POETRY: Koan Americana, 1992; A Year with Gayle, and Others (chapbook), 1993; Adventures of the Minor Poet (chapbook), 1994; Starkey's Book of States, 1995; Open Mike Night at the Cabaret Voltaire, 1996; Fear of Everything (chapbook), 2000. EDITOR: (with R. Guzman) Smokestacks and Skyscrapers: An Anthology of Chicago Literature, 1998; Teaching Writing Creatively, 1998. OTHER: Poetry Writing: Theme and Variations, 1999 (textbook), 1999. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of poems, stories, articles, and reviews to magazines. Address: 1336 Camino Manadero, Santa Barbara, CA 93111, U.S.A. Online address:

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