Sørensen, Georg
SØRENSEN, Georg. Danish, b. 1948. Genres: International relations/ Current affairs. Career: Aalborg University, Denmark, assistant professor, 1979-81, fellow in international studies, 1981-83, associate professor, 1984- 89; Aarhus University, Denmark, associate professor, 1989-95, professor of political science, 1995-. Publications: Democracy, Dictatorship, and Development, 1991; Democracy and Democratization, 1993; (with R. Jackson) An Introduction to International Relations, 1999. EDITOR: (with O.J. Sorensen) State Enterprise: Development or Business as Usual?, 1982; Political Conditionality: Problems and Promises, 1993; (with H.-H. Holm) Whose World Order? Uneven Globalization and the End of the Cold War, 1994. IN DANISH: (with K. Andersen and others) Afhaengighedsteori (title means: Dependency Theory), 1979; International politik og marxisme (title means: Marxism and International Relations), 1980; Transnationale selskaber og udviklingsprocessen i perifere samfund: Med en case-studie af Brasilien (title means: Transnational Corporations and the Process of Development in Brazil), 1983; Udviklingsteori og den tredje verden (title means: Development Theory and the Third World), 1986, 6th ed., 1992. Contributor to professional journals. Address: Dept of Political Science, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus, Denmark. Online address: georgs@ps.au.dk