Smith, Sherwood

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SMITH, Sherwood

SMITH, Sherwood. Also writes as Nicholas Adams, Jesse Maguire, Robyn Tallis. American, b. 1951. Genres: Science fiction/Fantasy, Young adult fiction. Career: Writer. Taught elementary and high school. Has also tutored children with learning disabilities and critiqued manuscripts for beginning writers. Publications: YOUNG ADULT FANTASY: Wren to the Rescue, 1990; Wren's Quest, 1993; Wren's War, 1995; Crown Duel, 1997; Court Duel, 1998. SCIENCE FICTION FOR ADULTS (with D. Trowbridge): The Phoenix in Flight, 1993; Ruler of Naught, 1993; A Prison Unsought, 1994; The Rifter's Covenant, 1995; The Thrones of Kronos, 1996. SCIENCE FICTION FOR ADULTS (with A. Norton): Derelict for Trade, 1997; A Mind for Trade, 1998; Echoes in Time, 2000; Atlantis Endgame, 2002. SCIENCE FICTION FOR ADULTS: Journey to Otherwhere, 2000. YOUNG ADULT SCIENCE FICTION AS ROBYN TALLIS: Fire in the Sky, 1989; The Giants of Elenna, 1989; Rebel from Alphorion, 1989; Visions from the Sea, 1989. YOUNG ADULT AS JESSE MAGUIRE: The Beginning, 1989; Crossing Over, 1990; Getting It Right, 1991; Breaking the Rules, 1992. YOUNG ADULT AS NICHOLAS ADAMS: School Play, 1991. Short stories collected in science fiction and fantasy anthologies. Address: c/o Valerie Smith, 1746 Rte 44-55, Modena, NY 12548, U.S.A. Online address:

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Smith, Sherwood

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