Smith, Sherry L.

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SMITH, Sherry L.

SMITH, Sherry L. American, b. 1951. Genres: History. Career: University of Colorado, Boulder, visiting instructor in history, 1981-82, 1984-85; University of Wyoming, Laramie, visiting assistant professor of history and field historian, 1982-84; University of Texas at El Paso, visiting assistant professor, 1985-87, assistant professor of history, 1988-92, associate professor, 1992-96; Southern Methodist University, associate professor, 1994-2000, professor, 2000-. Member of editorial board: Texas Western Press, 1990-, Western Historical Quarterly, 1991-94, Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 1997-. Publications: Sagebrush Soldier: Private William Earl Smith's View of the Sioux War of 1876, 1989; The View from Officers' Row: Army Perceptions of Indians, 1990; Reimagining Indians, 2000. Address: William P. Clements Dept of History, Southern Methodist University, PO Box 750176, Dallas, TX 75275-0176, U.S.A. Online address: