Silver, Eric

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SILVER, Eric. British/Israeli, b. 1935. Genres: Theology/Religion, Biography. Career: Contributor, Time (US), The Independent (UK) and other publications. Joined The Guardian, London, 1960; Jerusalem Correspondent, The Guardian and The Observer newspaper, 1972-83; South Asia Corresp, The Guardian, 1984-87. Chairman, Foreign Press Association in Israel, 1975. Publications: Victor Feather, T. U. C., 1973; Begin: A Biography (in U.S. as Begin: The Haunted Prophet), 1984; The Book of the Just: The Unsung Heroes Who Rescued Jews from Hitler, 1992; (co-author) Shalom Friend, the Life and Legacy of Yitzkak Rabin, 1996. Address: 64 Street of the Prophets, 95141 Jerusalem, Israel.

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