Semaan, Khalil I. H.

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SEMAAN, Khalil I. H.

SEMAAN, Khalil I. H. American (born Syria), b. 1920. Genres: Language/ Linguistics, Humanities, Third World. Career: Professor of Arabic, 1970-, now Professor Emeritus, State University of New York, Binghamton (Assistant Professor, 1965-70; Associate Professor, 1966-70). Lecturer in Semitic Languages, New York University, NYC, 1955-56; Lecturer, in Arabic, Columbia University, NYC, 1957; Assistant Professor of Oriental Languages, University of California, Los Angeles, 1957-59; Reference Librarian, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 1960-62; Director, Afro- Asian Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 1962-64; Visiting Scholar, Columbia University Teachers College, NYC, 1964-65. Publications: Ash- Shafi'i's Risalah, 1962; Ibn Sina's Risalah on the Points of Articulation of the Speech-Sounds, 1963; Linguistics in the Middle Ages: Phonetic Studies in Early Islam, 1968; Murder in Baghdad (trans. of Salah Abd al-Sabur's verse play, Ma'sat al-Hallaj), 1972; Yahud al-bilad al-Islamiyyah (Arab Academy at Damascus, Syria: 62/1), 1987. EDITOR: Islam and the Medieval West, 1980; The Crusades: Other Experiences, Alternate Perspectives, 2003. Address: 713 Country Club Rd, Vestal, NY 13850-3911, U.S.A. Online address:

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