Seale, William

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SEALE, William

SEALE, William. American, b. 1939. Genres: Architecture, History, Biography. Career: Writer on biography and architectural history; specialist on the White House and in the restoration of historic buildings; consultant on restorations. Publications: Texas Riverman, 1966; Sam Houston's Wife, 1970; Texas in Our Time, 1971; The Tasteful Interlude: American Interiors 1860-1917, 1975; (with H.R. Hitchcock) Temples of Democracy: The State Capitols of the USA, 1976; Courthouse, 1978; Recreating the Historic House Interior, 1979; The President's House, 1986; Virginia's Executive Mansion: A History, 1989; The White House: The History of an American Idea, 1992; Of Houses and Time, 1992; (with E. Kvalsvik) Domestic Views, 1992; (with E. Ostendorf) Domes of America, 1994; The White House Garden, 1996. Address: 805 Prince St, Alexandria, VA 22314, U.S.A. Online address: