Schell, Orville (Hickok)

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SCHELL, Orville (Hickok)

SCHELL, Orville (Hickok). American, b. 1940. Genres: Environmental sciences/Ecology, International relations/Current affairs, Social commentary. Publications: (Ed. With H.F. Schurmann) The China Reader, 1966; (with F. Crews) Starting Over, 1970; (with J. Esherick) Modern China, 1972; The Town That Fought to Save Itself, 1974; In the People's Republic, 1976; Brown, 1978; Watch Out for the Foreign Guests: China Encounters the West, 1981; Modern Meat, 1984; To Get Rich Is Glorious: China in the 1980's, 1986; Discos and Democracy: China in the Throes of Reform, 1988; Mandate of Heaven: A New Generation of Entrepreneurs, Dissidents, Bohemians & Technocrats Lay Claim to China's Future, 1994; Virtual Tibet: Searching for Shangri-la from the Himalayas to Hollywood, 2000. Address: Graduate School of Journalism, 121 North Gate Hall #5860, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-5860, U.S.A. Online address: