Rotner, Shelley

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ROTNER, Shelley

ROTNER, Shelley. American, b. 1951. Genres: Children's fiction, Children's non-fiction. Career: Free-lance photographer, 1975-. Aggasiz Community School District, Cambridge, MA, photography instructor, 1975; Learning Guild, Boston, MA, photography instructor, 1975-76; Lincoln Community School System, Cambridge, MA, photography instructor, 1975- 76; International Center of Photography, NYC, assistant photography instructor, 1977; Bank Street School for Children, NYC, photography instructor, 1977-78; United Nations Photo Library, NYC, photo researcher, 1977-78; International Center of Photography, NYC, curatorial assistant, 1977-78; United Nations and UNICEF, NYC, photographer, 1979-; The American Museum of Natural History, NYC, photography instructor, 1979. Exhibitor at galleries and museums in The US. Publications: Changes, 1991; Nature Spy, 1992; Ocean Day, 1993; Citybook, 1994; Faces, 1993; Wheels Around, 1995; Action Alphabet, 1996; Colors around Us, 1996; Hold the Anchovies, 1996; Lots of Moms, 1996; Lots of Dads, 1998; Boats Afloat, 1998; About Twins, 1999. Address: 64 Old Lyme Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514, U.S.A. Online address:

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