Rogow, Zack

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ROGOW, Zack. American, b. 1952. Genres: Poetry, Translations. Career: San Francisco State University, CA, managing director of Poetry Center, 1992; University of San Francisco, lecturer in creative writing, 1995-99; University of California, Berkeley, coordinator, Lunch Poems Reading Series, 1996-; California College of the Arts, 2002-. Publications: POETRY: Glimmerings, 1979; Make It Last, 1983; A Preview of the Dream, 1985; The Selfsame Planet, 1999; Greatest Hits: 1979-2001, 2002. OTHER: Oranges (juvenile), 1988. TRANSLATOR: (with others) M. Sachs, The Kiss, 1992; (with B. Zavatsky) A. Breton, Earthlight, 1993; A. Breton, Arcanum 17, 1994; M. Jacob, The Dice Cup; G. Sand, Horace, 1995. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of poems, fiction, and reviews to magazines. Contributor of translations to periodicals. Address: Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A. Online address: