Radford, Irene

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RADFORD, Irene. American, b. 1950. Genres: Science fiction/Fantasy. Career: Insurance Company of North America, Portland, OR, assistant underwriter, 1979-82; McLoughlin House Museum, Oregon City, OR, assistant curator, 1985-89. Publications: FANTASY NOVELS: DRAGON NIMBUS SERIES: The Glass Dragon, 1994; The Perfect Princess, 1995; The Loneliest Magician, 1996; The Dragon's Touchstone, 1997; The Last Battlemage, 1998; The Renegade Dragon, 1999; The Wizard's Treasure, #4, 2000. MERLIN'S DESCENDANTS SERIES: Guardian of the Balance, 1999; Guardian of the Trust, 2000. OTHER: The Sword of Heracles (anthology), 1998; The Divi (anthology), 2000. Address: c/o Carol Mc- Cleary, Wilshire Literary Agency, 20 Barristers Walk, Dennis, MA 02638, U.S.A. Online address: iradford@att.net