Radelet, Michael L.

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RADELET, Michael L.

RADELET, Michael L. American, b. 1950. Genres: Sociology, Bibliography. Career: University of Florida, Gainesville, assistant professor, 1979-84, associate professor, 1984-93, professor of sociology, 1993-. Publications: (with M. Vandiver) Capital Punishment in America: An Annotated Bibliography, 1988; (ed.) Facing the Death Penalty: Essays on a Cruel and Unusual Punishment, 1989; (with H.A. Bedau and C.E. Putnam) In Spite of Innocence: Erroneous Convictions in Capital Cases, 1992; (with K.S. Miller) Executing the Mentally Ill: The Criminal Justice System and the Case of Alvin Ford, 1993. Address: Department of Sociology, University of Colorado at Boulder, 327 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0327, U.S.A. Online address: michael.radelet@colorado.edu

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Radelet, Michael L.

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