Quinlan, David

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QUINLAN, David. British, b. 1942. Genres: Film, Biography. Career: TV Times, London, England, film editor, 1971-. Publications: Quinlan's Illustrated Registry of Film Stars, 1981, 4th ed., in press (in UK as Quinlan's Illustrated Directory of Film Stars, 1981, 4th ed., in press); Quinlan's Illustrated Guide to Film Directors, 1983, new ed., 1999; Quinlan's Illustrated Directory of Film Character Actors, 1985, 2nd ed., 1995; Quinlan's Illustrated Directory of Comedy Actors, 1992; British Sound Films: The Studio Years; Wicked Women of the Screen; TV Times Film and Video Guide, 1994-. Address: TV Times, Kings Reach Tower, London SE1 9LS, England.

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