Purcell, Ben(jamin H.)

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PURCELL, Ben(jamin H.)

PURCELL, Ben(jamin H.). American, b. 1928. Genres: Documentaries/ Reportage. Career: U.S. Army, career officer 1950-80, retiring as colonel. Christmas tree farm owner; public speaker on experiences as a prisoner of war (POW). Mountaineer Chapter (commander) of American Ex-POWs, 1988-; North Georgia Technical Institute Alumni Association, president, 1982; North Georgia College Alumni Council, president, 1986. Publications: (with A. Purcell) Love and Duty: The Remarkable Story of a Courageous MIA Family and the Victory They Won with Their Faith, 1992. Address: 1581 Hwy. 197 N., Clarkesville, GA 30523, U.S.A. Online address: dunrovin@alltel.net

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