Pritchard, R(obert) John

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PRITCHARD, R(obert) John

PRITCHARD, R(obert) John. American, b. 1945. Genres: Adult nonfiction, Area studies, Civil liberties/Human rights, History, International relations/Current affairs, Law, Military/Defense/Arms control, Politics/ Government, Social sciences, Documentaries/Reportage, Reference. Career: University of California, Riverside, teaching asst, 1968-70; freelance writer & broadcaster on historical and legal studies, 1970-; Millennium, managing editor, 1974-76; London School of Economics, research asst, then consulting editor in intl history, 1974-87; University of Kent, part-time lecturer in history, 1989-91; University of London, Kings College, Dept of War Studies, consultant visiting fellow in war studies, 1990-93; Victoria University of Manchester, Simon Visiting Senior Research Fellow in History, 1993-94; Notre Dame University (London Programme), adjunct asst professor of history, 1993; Legal and Historical Enterprises, director, 1993-; St Antony's College, Oxford, Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, inter-faculty research fellow, 1994-96; RightSearch, director, 1996-; Robert M.W. Kempner Collegium, director, 1996-2000; Integrated Document Systems Ltd., founding director & company secretary, 1999-. Publications: The Reichstag Fire, 1972; Far Eastern Influences upon British Strategy towards the Great Powers 1937-1939, 1979; (ed. and comp.) The Tokyo War Crimes Trial, 22 vols., 1981, Index and Guide, 5 vols., 1981-87; (with L. Gleeck) General History of the Philippines, Vol. 1, The American Half-Century, 1898-1946, 1984; Far Eastern Influences upon British Strategy towards the Great Powers, 1937- 1939, 1987; An Overview of the Historical Importance of the Tokyo War Trial, 1987; (with P. Williams and D. Wallace) Unit 731: The Japanese Army's Secret of Secrets, 1989; (with Lady T. Marks) Japan and the Second World War, 1989; (with P. Calvocoressi and G. Wint) The Causes and Courses of the Second World War, 1989; (with others) From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima, 1994; (with others) La Deportation, 1995; An Introduction and Guide to the British War Crimes Trials in the Far East, 1946-1948, 1997; (with others) World War Two in Asia and the Pacific and the War's Aftermath, 1998; (ed. and comp.) The Tokyo Major War Crimes Trial, 124 vols., 1998- 2002; (with others) International Criminal Law, III: Enforcement, 1999; (with others) 1945: War and Peace in the Pacific, 1999; International Humanitarian Law, 2002; (ed.) Hostilities without Declaration of War, 2002. Address: 11 Charlotte Sq, Margate, Kent CT9 1LR, England. Online address:

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