Poulin, Stephane

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POULIN, Stephane

POULIN, Stephane. Canadian, b. 1961. Genres: Children's fiction, Illustrations. Career: Illustrator, 1984-. Publications: FOR CHILDREN: Les Amours de ma mere: contes et mensonges de mon enfance, 1990, English ed. as My Mother's Loves: Stories and Lies from My Childhood, 1990; Un Voyage pour deux: contes et mensonges de mon enfance, 1991, trans. as Travels for Two: Stories and Lies from My Childhood, 1991. SELF- ILLUSTRATED FOR CHILDREN: Ah! belle cite!/A Beautiful City ABC, 1985; Album de famille, 1986, trans. as Family Album, 1991; As-tu vu Josephine?, 1986, trans. as Have You Seen Josephine?, 1986; Peux-tu attraper Josephine?, 1987, trans. as Can You Catch Josephine?, 1987; Les Jeux zoolympiques, 1988; Pourrais-tu arreter Josephine?, 1988, trans. as Could You Stop Josephine?, 1988; Benjamin et la saga des oreillers, 1989, trans. as Benjamin and the Pillow Saga, 1989. Illustrator of books by L. Alaoui, L. Beaudin, M.J. and P. Collier, D. Cote, D. Demers, C. Gagnon, T. Lenain, H. Lamarche, M. Legault, H. Major, D. Marcotte, M. Page, R. Plante, R. Poupart, M. Quintin, R. Soulieres, K. Stinson, G. Tibo.

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