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pounce1 / pouns/ • v. [intr.] (of an animal or bird of prey) spring or swoop suddenly so as to catch prey: the wolf pounced on the rat she looked like a vulture waiting to pounce. ∎  (of a person) spring forward suddenly so as to attack or seize someone or something: the gang pounced on him and knocked him to the ground. ∎ fig. take sudden decisive action so as to grasp an opportunity: seven insiders pounced, buying 21,900 shares. ∎ fig. notice and take swift and eager advantage of a mistake, remark, or sign of weakness: reporters who are just as eager to pounce on a gaffe as on a significant news story.• n. a sudden swoop or spring.DERIVATIVES: pounc·er n.pounce2 • n. a fine resinous powder formerly used to prevent ink from spreading on unglazed paper or to prepare parchment to receive writing. ∎  powdered charcoal or other fine powder dusted over a perforated pattern to transfer the design to the object beneath.• v. [tr.] 1. smooth down by rubbing with pounce or pumice. 2. transfer (a design) by the use of pounce.DERIVATIVES: pounc·er n.

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