Phelps, Edmund S.

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PHELPS, Edmund S.

PHELPS, Edmund S. American, b. 1933. Genres: Economics. Career: Yale University, New Haven, CT, assistant instructor in economics, 1958-59, associate professor of economics, 1963-66; RAND Corporation, economist, 1959-60; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, visiting associate professor of economics, 1962-63; Cowles Foundation, staff member, 1963-66; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, professor of economics, 1966-71; New York University, NYC, professor of economics, 1978-79; Columbia University, NYC, professor of economics, 1971-82, McVickar professor of political economy, 1982-; International School of Economic Research, University of Siena, codirector, 1987-90. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, resident consultant, 1992-93; member of Presidential task force on inflation, 1968; consultant to U.S. Treasury Department, 1969, U.S; Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, 1971, U.S. Senate Finance Committee, Social Security Panel, 1974, and International Monetary Fund, 1983; visiting scholar, advisor, and lecturer. Publications: Fiscal Neutrality Toward Economic Growth, 1965; Golden Rules of Economic Growth; Studies of Efficient and Optimal Investment, 1966; The Goal of Economic Growth: Sources, Costs, Benefits, 1962, revised edition, 1969; (with A.A. Alchian and D.T. Mortensen) Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory, 1970; Inflation Policy and Unemployment Theory: The Cost-Benefit Approach to Monetary Planning, 1972; Economic Justice; Selected Readings, 1973; Studies in Macroeconomic Theory, Volume I: Employment and Inflation, 1979, Volume II: Redistribution and Growth, 1980; Political Economy: An Introductory Text, 1985; (with J-P Fitoussi) The Slump in Europe: Open Economy Theory Reconstructed, 1988; Seven Schools of Macroeconomic Thought: The Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures, 1990; (with others) Needed Mechanisms of Corporate Governance and Finance in Eastern Europe, 1993; (with H.T. Hoon, G. Kanaginis, and G. Zoega) Structural Slumps: The Modern Equilibrium Theory of Unemployment, Interest, and Assets, 1994; Rewarding Work: How to Restore Participation and Self-Support to Free Enterprise, 1997. EDITOR: The Goal of Economic Growth, 1962; Private Wants and Public Needs, 1962; Private Wants and Public Needs; Issues Surrounding the Size and Scope of Government Expenditure, 1965; (with others) Problems of the Modern Economy, 1966; Altruism, Morality, and Economic Theory, 1975; (with R. Frydman) Individual Forecasting and Aggregate Outcomes: Rational Expectations Examined, 1983; (with Aldershot and Hants) Recent Developments in Macroeconomics, 3 vols., 1991; (with M. Baldassarri and L. Paganetto) Risparmio, Accumulazione, Sviluppo, 1991; (with M. Baldassarri and L. Paganetto) International Economic Interdependence, Patterns of Trade Balances and Economic Policy Coordination, 1992; (with M. Baldassarri and L. Paganetto) Le Diversita Nell'economia Mondiale: Tassi de Crescita, 1993; (with M. Baldassarri and L. Paganetto) Privatization Processes in Eastern Europe: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Results, 1993; (with M. Baldassarri and L. Paganetto) World Saving, Prosperity, and Growth, 1993; (with M. Baldassarri, L. Paganetto, and A. Alesina) Crisi e Disoccupazione Degli Anni '90: Cause e Rimedi, 1994; (with M. Baldassarri and L. Paganetto) International Differences in Growth Rates: Market Globalization and Economic Areas, 1994; (with M. Baldassarri and L. Paganetto) Equity, Efficiency, and Growth: The Future of the Welfare State, 1996; (with M. Baldassarri and L. Paganetto) The 1990s Slump: Causes and Cures, 1996; (with M. Baldassarri and L. Paganetto) Institutions and Economic Organization in the Advanced Economies: The Governance Perspective, 1998. Contributor to academic publications and studies and business and economics periodicals in the United States and abroad. Address: Department of Economics, International Affairs Building, Room 1004, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A. Online address:

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