Pfeffer, Wendy
PFEFFER, Wendy. American, b. 1929. Genres: Children's fiction, Children's non-fiction, How-to books. Career: First grade teacher in Pitman, NJ, 1950-53; Pennington Presbyterian Nursery School, co-founder, director, and early childhood specialist, 1961-91; free-lance writer, 1981-. Jointure for Community Adult Education, writer's workshop teacher; speaker and instructor for creative writing workshops. Publications: Writing Children's Books, 1985; Starting a Family Day Care, 1989; The Gooney War, 1990; All about Me, 1990; The World of Nature, 1990; Popcorn Park Zoo, 1992; From Tadpole to Frog, 1994; Marta's Magnets, 1995; What's It Like to Be a Fish?, 1996; Polar Bears, 1996; Mute Swans, 1996; Snowy Owls, 1997; Arctic Wolves, 1997; A Log's Life, 1997; Sounds All Around, 1999; The Big Flood, 2001; Mallard Duck at Meadow View Lake, 2001; Living on the Edge series, 2002; Thunder and Lightning, 2002; Dolphin Talk, 2003; The Shortest Day, 2003. Address: 3 Timberlane Dr, Pennington, NJ 08534, U.S.A. On- line address: