Pfanner, (Anne) Louise

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PFANNER, (Anne) Louise

PFANNER, (Anne) Louise. Australian, b. 1955. Genres: Children's fiction, Picture/board books. Career: Free-lance author and illustrator. Has worked as an illustrator for several magazines and a newspaper, designed children's fabric, worked in two bookshops, designed T-shirts, worked as an embroiderer; writer for children's television. Publications: AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR: Louise Builds a House, 1987; Louise Builds a Boat, 1989; El Nido, 1992; The Little Red Hen, 1997; The Country Mouse, 1997; The ABC Book of Gifts to Make, 2003. Illustrator of books by M. Clyne, R. Deutch, R. Griffiths, P. Swinfield. Address: c/o Barbara Mobbs, PO Box 126, Edgecliff, NSW 2027, Australia. Online address:

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