Pearson, Carol Lynn

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PEARSON, Carol Lynn

PEARSON, Carol Lynn. American, b. 1939. Genres: Novels, Novellas/ Short stories, Poetry, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Schoolteacher, 1962- 63; free-lance writer, 1963-. Publications: Daughters of Light, 1973; The Flight and the Nest, 1975; Will I Ever Forget This Day?, 1980; A Lasting Peace (novel), 1983; Today, Tomorrow, and Four Weeks from Tuesday (novel), 1983; A Stranger for Christmas (novel), 1984; Goodbye, I Love You, 1986; One on the Seesaw: The Ups and Downs of a Single-Parent Family, 1988; Mother Wove the Morning (play), 1993; The Modern Magi (novella), 1994; The Christmas Thief (novella), 1995; Morning Glory Mother (novella), 1997; The Lesson (fable), 1998; Will You Still Be My Daughter (fable), 2000; Girlfriend, Your Are the Best (fable), 2000; Fuzzy Red Bathrobe: Questions from the Heart for Mothers and Daughters, 2000; Consider the Butterfly: Transforming Your Life through Meaningful Coincidence (biography), 2002. POETRY: Beginnings, 1967; The Growing Season, 1976; A Widening View, 1983; I Can't Stop Smiling, 1984; Women I Have Known and Been, 1992; Picture Window (compilation), 1996; The Stocking Stuffer's Story, 1998. Address: 1384 Cornwall Ct, Walnut Creek, CA 94597, U.S.A. Online address:

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