Patterson, Michael

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PATTERSON, Michael. (formerly Michael Richards). British, b. 1939. Genres: Theatre. Career: Queen's University of Belfast, Lecturer in German, 1965-70; University College of N. Wales, Bangor, Lecturer in Drama, 1970-74; University of Leeds, Sr. Lecturer in Drama and Theatre Arts, 1974- 87; University of Ulster, Coleraine, Reader in Theatre Studies, 1987-94; De Montfort University, Leicester, Professor of Theatre, 1994-. Publications: German Theatre Today, 1976; The Revolution in German Theatre 1900-1933, 1981; Peter Stein, 1981; (ed.) Buchner: The Complete Plays, 1987; The First German Theatre, 1990; German Theatre: A Bibliography, 1996; Strategies of Political Theatre, 2003. Address: Department of Performing Arts, De Mont- fort University, Leicester LE1 9BH, England. Online address:

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Patterson, Michael

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