Panayi, Panikos

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PANAYI, Panikos

PANAYI, Panikos. British, b. 1962. Genres: History, Race relations. Career: University of Keele, England, temporary lecturer in history, 1989-90; De Montfort University, Leicester, England, lecturer in history, 1990-93, senior lecturer, 1993-97, principal lecturer and reader, 1997-99, professor of European history, 1999-; University of Osnabruck, Alexander von Humboldt fellow, 1991-92, 1994, 1997, 1998. Publications: The Enemy in Our Midst: Germans in Britain during the First World War, 1991; Immigration, Ethnicity, and Racism in Britain, 1815-1945, 1994; German Immigration in Britain during the Nineteenth Century, 1815-1914, 1995; Outsiders: History of European Minorities, 1999; Ethnic Minorities in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Germany, 2000. EDITOR: Racial Violence in Britain, 1840-1950, 1993, 1996; Minorities in Wartime, 1993; Germans in Britain since 1500, 1996; (with K. Larres) The Federal Republic of Germany since 1949, 1996; Weimar and Nazi Germany, 2001. Address: Faculty of Humanities, De Montfort University, Leicester LE1 9BH, England. Online address: