Neuhaus, Richard J(ohn)
NEUHAUS, Richard J(ohn)
NEUHAUS, Richard J(ohn). American (born Canada), b. 1936. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Rockford Institute Center on Religion and Society, director, 1984-89; Institute on Religion and Public Life, president, 1989-. Forum Letter and The Religion and Society Report, editor; This World, editor-in-chief; Encounter Series, general editor, vol. 1-16, 1986-93; First Things: A Monthly Journal on Religion and Public Life, editor-in-chief, 1989-. Publications: The Lutherans, 1969; (with P. Berger) Movement and Revolution, 1970; In Defense of People, 1971; The American Revelation, 1974; Time toward Home, 1975; Christian Faith and Public Policy, 1976; (with P. Berger) To Empower People, 1977; Freedom for Ministry, 1979, rev. ed., 1992; The Naked Public Square, 1984; Dispensations: The Future of South Africa as South Africans See It, 1986; The Catholic Moment, 1987; Doing Well and Doing Good, 1992; America Against Itself, 1992; Appointment in Rome, 1998; The Eternal Pity, 2000; Death on a Friday Afternoon, 2000; As I Lay Dying, 2002. EDITOR: Theology and the Kingdom of God, 1970; (ed.) Against the World for the World, 1976; (with C. Colson) Evangelicals and Catholics Together, 1995. Address: Institute on Religion & Public Life, 156 5th Ave Ste 400, New York, NY 10010, U.S.A. Online address: