Moore, Louis

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MOORE, Louis

MOORE, Louis. American, b. 1946. Genres: Human relations/Parenting, Inspirational/Motivational Literature, Biography. Career: Houston Chronicle, TX, religion editor, 1972-86; Plano Star Courier, TX, editor, 1986-88; Collin County Community College, Plano, professor of journalism, 1988-89; Southern Baptist Christian Life Commission, Nashville, TN, director for publications, 1989-94; Belmont College, Nashville, part-time journalism teacher, fall 1989; International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, associate vice president for communications, 1994-2000; Hannibal Books, Garland, TX, co-owner, 1999-. Publications: (with K. Moore) When You Both Go to Work, 1982; (with K. Moore and D. Harris) Playing the Game, 1983; (with K. Moore and G. Teaff) Winning: It's How You Play the Game, 1985; The Earth Is the Lord's, 1992; Citizen Christians, 1993; Life at Risk, 1994. EDITOR: (with K. Moore, and contrib.) The Guideposts Biblical Commentary on the General Epistles, 1986; T. Hansel, Eating Problems for Breakfast, 1988. Address: 313 S 11th St, Garland, TX 75040, U.S.A. Online address:

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