Moore, Cassandra Chrones

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MOORE, Cassandra Chrones

MOORE, Cassandra Chrones. American, b. 1935. Genres: Education, Homes/Gardens, Public/Social administration. Career: Mundelein College, Chicago, IL, instructor, 1959-60; Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, assistant professor, 1962-65; Michigan State University, East Lansing, lecturer, 1966-68; University of Virginia, Charlottesville, lecturer, 1969-70; Beverly Smith Associates, manager, 1981-82; Windsor Properties, Palo Alto, CA, partner, 1982-83; Moore Associates, Palo Alto, owner and broker, 1983-85; public policy analyst; Adjunct scholar at Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1989-, and Cato Institute, 1996-. Publications: Haunted Housing: How Toxic Scare Stories Are Spooking the Public out of House and Home, 1997. Contributor of articles and reviews to magazines and newspapers. Address: 3766 La Donna Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306, U.S.A. Online address:

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Moore, Cassandra Chrones

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