Montemayor, Carlos
MONTEMAYOR, Carlos. Mexican, b. 1947. Genres: Novels, Novellas/ Short stories. Career: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco Campus, professor of literature and linguistics, 1974-87, coordinator of university extension, 1978-79, general director of cultural diffusion, 1979-82; El Colegio de Mexico, professor of literature and linguistics, 1992-96. Instituto Nacional Indigenista, editorial coordinator of Contemporary Mayan Letters Collection, 1993-96. Publications: NOVELS: Mal de Piedra, 1980, trans. by D. Carter and A. Gonzalez as Blood Relations, 1995; Minas del retorno, 1982, English trans., in press; Guerra en el Paraiso, 1991. POETRY: Poesia 1977-1996. SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS: Las llaves de Urgell, 1971; Cuentos Gnosticos, 1985; El alba y otros cuentos, 1986; Operativo en el tropico, 1995; Encuentros en Oaxaca, 1995. Translator. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to periodicals in the United States and to journals in Central and South America and Europe. Address: Apartado Postal 20- 507, Col. San Angel, 01000 Mexico City, Chiapas, Mexico.