Mieth, Dietmar
MIETH, Dietmar
MIETH, Dietmar. German, b. 1940. Genres: Medicine/Health, Ethics, Theology/Religion. Career: University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, assistant in theology, 1967-73; University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland, professor of theological ethics, 1974-81; University of Tuebingen, professor of theological ethics, 1981-, director of Center for Ethics, 1990-. Publications: IN ENGLISH: In Vitro Fertilisation in the 1990s, 1998; Return of the Just War; On the Search of Universal Values. CO-EDITOR: (with M. Vidal) Outside the Market no Salvation?, 1997; (with C. Theobald) Unanswered Questions, 1999; (with H. Haring, M. Junker-Kenny) Creating Identity, 2000. CO-EDITOR WITH J. POHIER: The Dignity of the Despised of the Earth, 1979; Christian Ethics and Economics, 1980; Christian Ethics, 1981; Unemployment and the Right to Work, 1982; The Ethics of Liberation, the Liberation of Ethics, 1984; Suicide and the Right to Die, 1985; Changing Values and Virtues, 1987; Ethics in the Natural Sciences, 1989. CO-EDITOR WITH L.S. CAHILL: Aging, 1991; Migrants & Refugees, 1993; Family, 1995. Author of books in German. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Theologicum, University of Tuebingen, Liebermeisterstr 12, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany. Online address: dietmar.mieth@uni-tuebingen.de