Miele, Angelo
MIELE, Angelo
MIELE, Angelo. American (born Italy), b. 1922. Genres: Air/Space topics. Career: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, NY, research assistant professor of aeronautical engineering, 1952-55; Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, professor of aeronautical engineering, 1955-59; Boeing Scientific Research Labs., director of astrodynamics and flight mechanics, 1959-64; University of Washington, Seattle, visiting professor of aeronautics and astronautics, 1961-64; Rice University, Houston, A.J. Foyt Family Professor in Engineering, and professor of aerospace sciences and mathematical sciences, 1964-93, professor emeritus, 1993-, research professor, 2000-. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Optimal Control Application and Methods, RAIROOperations Research and Applied Mathematics and Computation, associate ed.; Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, ed.-in-chief; Mathematical Concepts in Science and Engineering series, Plenum Publishing Corp., NYC, series editor. Publications: Flight Mechanics, 1962. EDITOR: Theory of Optimum Aerodynamic Shapes, 1965; Applied Mathematics in Aerospace Science and Engineering, 1994. Author of publications, including journal articles, contributions to books, proceedings of scientific meetings, and research reports. Address: Aero-Astronautics, MS-322, 230 Ryon Bldg, Rice University, PO Box 1892, Houston, TX 77005, U.S.A. Online address: miele@rice.edu