Meyers, Jeffrey

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MEYERS, Jeffrey

MEYERS, Jeffrey. American, b. 1939. Genres: Art/Art history, Literary criticism and history, Bibliography, Biography. Career: Taught at University of California, Los Angeles, 1963-65, University of Maryland, Far East Division, 1965-66, Tufts University, Boston, 1967-71, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1979-80, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1982-83, and University of Alabama, Birmingham, 1992; Christie's, London, in rare books dept., 1974; University of Colorado, Boulder, professor of English, 1975-92; professional writer, 1992-. Publications: Fiction and the Colonial Experience, 1973; The Wounded Spirit, 1973; T.E. Lawrence: A Bibliography, 1974; A Reader's Guide to George Orwell, 1975; Painting and the Novel, 1975; Catalogue of the Library of the Late Siegfried Sassoon, 1975; A Fever at the Core, 1976; George Orwell: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism, 1977; Homosexuality and Literature 1890-1930, 1977; Married to Genius, 1977; Katherine Mansfield: A Biography, 1978; The Enemy: A Biography of Wyndham Lewis, 1980; Wyndham Lewis: A Revaluation, 1980; D.H. Lawrence and the Experience of Italy, 1982; Disease and the Novel 1860- 1960, 1985; The Craft of Literary Biography, 1985; D.H. Lawrence and Tradition, 1985; Hemingway: A Biography, 1985; The Legacy of D.H. Lawrence, 1987; Manic Power: Robert Lowell and His Circle, 1987; Robert Lowell: Interviews and Memoirs, 1988; T.E. Lawrence: Soldier, Writer, Legend, 1989; The Biographer's Art, 1989; The Spirit of Biography, 1989; Graham Greene: A Revaluation, 1990; D.H. Lawrence: A Biography, 1990; Joseph Conrad: A Biography, 1991; Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Legacy, 1992; Scott Fitzgerald: A Biography, 1994; Edmund Wilson: A Biography, 1995; Robert Frost: A Biography, 1996; Bogart: A Life in Hollywood, 1997; Gary Cooper: An American Hero, 1998; Privileged Moments: Encounters with Writers, 2000; Orwell: Wintry Conscience of a Generation, 2000; Hemingway: Life into Art, 2000; Inherited Risk: Errol and Sean Flynn in Hollywood and Vietnam, 2002; Somerset Maugham: A Life Repressed, 2003. EDITOR: George Orwell: The Critical Heritage, 1975; Hemingway: The Critical Heritage, 1982; R. Campbell, Wyndham Lewis 1985; The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Reader: From Sherlock Holmes to Spiritualism, 2002; The Somerset Maugham Reader, 2004. Address: 84 Stratford Rd, Kensington, CA 94707, U.S.A. Online address:

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