Merne, Oscar James

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MERNE, Oscar James

MERNE, Oscar James. Irish, b. 1943. Genres: Environmental sciences/ Ecology, Natural history, Zoology, Marine sciences/Oceanography, Travel/ Exploration, Photography. Career: RTE Television, Ireland, Weekly Wildlife Program, Assistant Producer, 1966-68; Wexford Wildfowl Reserve, North Slob, Ireland, Head Warden, 1968-77; Duchas-The Heritage Service, Head of Bird Research Section, National Parks and Wildlife, Dublin, Wildlife Research Officer, 1977-. Publications: Ducks, Geese and Swans, 1974; The Birds of Wexford, 1974; (with R. Roche) Saltees: Islands of Birds and Legends, 1977; Wading Birds, 1978. Address: Bird Research Section, Duchas-The Heritage Service, National Parks and Wildlife, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. Online address:

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