Maskarinec, Gregory G.

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MASKARINEC, Gregory G. American, b. 1951. Genres: Anthropology/ Ethnology, Medicine/Health, Mythology/Folklore. Career: U.S. Peace Corps, Washington, DC, volunteer in Nepal, 1977-80; University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Dept of Family Practice, research director. Conducted extensive field research in Nepal. Producer of the videotape Ritual Degree Zero: Shamanic Sacrifice in Contemporary Nepalese Ritual, 1995. Publications: The Rulings of the Night: An Ethnographic Study of Nepalese Shaman Oral Texts, 1995; Nepalese Shaman Oral Texts, 1998. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to anthropology and Himalayan studies journals. Address: Department of Family Practice, John A Burns School of Medicine, Physician Center at Mililani, 95-390 Kualielani Ave, Mililani, HI 96789, U.S.A. Online address:

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