Martini, Steve(n Paul)
MARTINI, Steve(n Paul)
MARTINI, Steve(n Paul). American, b. 1946. Genres: Mystery/Crime/ Suspense. Career: Los Angeles Daily Journal, journalist and State House correspondent in Sacramento, CA, 1970-75; lawyer in private practice, Sacramento, 1975-80; state attorney for agencies including State Department of Consumer Affairs, also served as deputy director of the State Office of Administrative Hearings and as special counsel for California Victims of Violent Crimes Program, 1980-91; full-time writer, 1991-. Publications: MYSTERIES: The Simeon Chamber, 1988; Compelling Evidence, 1992; Prime Witness, 1993; Undue Influence, 1994; The Judge, 1995; The List, 1997; Critical Mass, 1998; The Attorney, 2000; The Jury, 2001; The Arraignment, 2002. Address: ICM, 40 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019, U.S.A. Online address: