Martin, Fenton S(trickland)

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MARTIN, Fenton S(trickland)

MARTIN, Fenton S(trickland). American, b. 1943. Genres: Bibliography, Reference. Career: Indiana University-Bloomington, head librarian at Political Science Library, 1971-. Publications: WITH R. GOEHLERT: The Parliament of Great Britain: A Bibliography, 1982; Political Science Journal Information, 1984, 4th ed., 1997; The Presidency: A Research Guide, 1985; Policy Analysis and Management: A Bibliography, 1985; The American Presidents: A Bibliography, 1987; The American Presidency: A Bibliography, 1987; Congress and Lawmaking: A Research Guide, 2nd ed., 1989; The U.S. Supreme Court: A Bibliography, 1990; How to Research the Supreme Court, 1992; The United States Congress, 1980-1990: An Annotated Bibliography, 1994; Members of Congress: A Bibliography, 1995; How to Research the Presidency, 1996; How to Research Congress, 1996; Bibliography of American Government, 1997; CQ's Resource Guide to Modern Elections: An Annotated Bibliography 1960-1996, 2000. Address: Political Science Library, Woodburn 200, Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47401, U.S.A. Online address:

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Martin, Fenton S(trickland)

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