Marrs, Jim

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MARRS, Jim. American, b. 1943. Genres: Politics/Government, Plays/ Screenplays, Adult non-fiction, Air/Space topics, Archaeology/Antiquities, History, International relations/Current affairs, Paranormal. Career: Magpie Magazine, editor and owner, 1963-64; reporter, cartoonist, and photographer for Texas periodicals, 1965-80; free-lance writer, 1970-; Jerre R. Todd & Associates, Fort Worth, TX, copywriter, public relations director, and cartoonist, 1972-74, director of special projects, account executive, public relations director, copywriter, and cartoonist, 1980-81; The Marketing Group, Dallas, TX, public relations consultant and copywriter, 1982-83; The Springtown Current, Springtown, TX, publisher and co-owner, 1983-84; Innotech Energy Corporation, Las Collinas, TX, communications director, 1985-86; Northeast HealthCare Center, Hurst, TX, communications director, 1985-86; First Bank and Trust, Springtown, communications director, 1985-98. Publications: Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, 1989; Alien Agenda, 1997; PSI Spies, 2000; Rule by Secrecy, 2000. SCRIPTS: Bucky Bunny, 1982; Who Didn't Kill JFK (video; also known as Fake), 1991; The Many Faces of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1992. Address: PO Box 189, Springtown, TX 76082, U.S.A.

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