Malcolm, Joyce Lee

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MALCOLM, Joyce Lee

MALCOLM, Joyce Lee. American, b. 1942. Genres: History, Law. Career: Legal and constitutional researcher, educator, and consultant. Boston University, assistant professor of history, 1978-79; Northeastern University, assistant professor of history, 1979; Radcliffe College, fellow in history, 1979-80; National Endowment for Humanities fellow, 1979-80; American Bar Foundation fellow, 1980-81; Mark DeWolfe Howe grant for legal history, 1980-81; Harvard University, Law School, visiting fellow in legal history, 1980-82; Institute for Humane Studies and Liberty Fund fellow in law, 1981; Department of Interior, Boston, MA, legal consultant, historical research, 1982-; Bentley College, professor of history, 1983-; New England Heritage Center, director, 1986-2001; MIT Security Studies Program, senior fellow. Publications: Caesar's Due: Loyalty and King Charles, 1983; To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right, 1994; The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth Century English Tracts, 2 vols., 1999; Guns and Violence: The English Experience, 2002. Contributor of articles on legal and constitutional history to professional journals. Address: c/o Bentley College, Dept. of History, 385 Morrison Hall, 175 Forest St, Waltham, MA 02452-4705, U.S.A. Online address:

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