Majure, Janet

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MAJURE, Janet. American, b. 1954. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Documentaries/Reportage, Essays. Career: Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, copy editor, 1976; Denver Post, CO, copy editor, 1976-78; Arizona Republic, Phoenix, copy editor, 1978-79; W.R. Grace, Memphis, TN, financial analyst, 1981-82; Kansas City Star, MO, copy editor, bureau chief, assistant city editor, business writer, 1983-89; Lawrence Observer, KS, owner, publisher, and editor, 1989; freelance writer and editor, 1990-; member of local conservation, arts, environmental, and social issue organizations. Publications: Elections, 1996; Recipes Worth Sharing, 1997; AIDS, 1998; Breast Cancer, 2000. Address: PO Box 1161, Lawrence, KS 66044-2330, U.S.A. Online address:

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