Macguire, James

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MACGUIRE, James. American, b. 1952. Genres: Poetry, Education, Travel/ Exploration. Career: Catholic Relief Services, Burundi, program director, 1977-79; Time, Inc., NYC, producer in Video Division/director of strategic planning, 1980-82; Macmillan, Inc., executive producer, 1982-88; Williamstown Theatre Festival, playwright in residence, 1987; MacGuire Communications, president, 1988-; America's Health Network, vice-president, development, 1994-99; Asia Network, chief programming officer for communications, 2001-. Center for Educational Innovation, senior fellow, 1990- 92; Center for Social Thought, senior fellow, 1992-93. Member of board of directors, Production Co., Stage Harbor, Portsmouth Abbey School, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, Student Sponsor Partnership, and Lawrence-Woodmere Academy. Publications: London and the English Countryside, 1990; (with C. Buckley) Campion, 1991; (with S. Fliegel) Miracle in East Harlem, 1993; Beyond Partisan Politics (monograph), 1993; Nanny (play), 1998; Dusk on Lake Tanganyka (poems) 1999. Writer for television and films. Contributor of articles, short stories, and poems to magazines and newspapers. Address: 412 E 55th St, New York, NY 10022, U.S.A. Online address:

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Macguire, James

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