Luebke, Frederick Carl
LUEBKE, Frederick Carl
LUEBKE, Frederick Carl. American, b. 1927. Genres: History. Career: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, associate Professor 1968-72, Professor, 1972-87, Director, Center for Great Plains Studies, 1983-88, Charles Mach Distinguished Professor of History, 1987-94, Emeritus, 1994-. Publications: Immigrants and Politics, 1969; Bonds of Loyalty: German Americans and World War I, 1974; Germans in Brazil: A Comparative History of Cultural Conflict During World War I, 1987; Germans in the New World: Essays in the History of Immigration, 1990; A Harmony of the Arts: The Nebraska State Capitol, 1990; Nebraska: An Illustrated History, 1995. EDITOR: Ethnic Voters and the Election of Lincoln, 1971; The Great Plains: Environment and Culture, 1979; Ethnicity on the Great Plains, 1980; Vision and Refuge: Essays on the Literature of the Great Plains, 1981; (co) Mapping the North American Plains, 1987; European Immigrants in the American West, 1998. Address: 3117 Woodsdale Blvd, Lincoln, NE 68502, U.S.A. Online address: