Ludwikowski, Rett R.

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LUDWIKOWSKI, Rett R. American (born Poland), b. 1943. Genres: Law, Politics/Government. Career: Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, senior lecturer in political science, 1967-71, adjunct professor, 1971-76, assistant professor of politics, 1976-81, associate professor of law, 1981, chairman, Div. of Business, 1976-80, Dept of Modern Political Movements and Ideas, 1976-82, and Div. of Law, 1980-81; Marguerite Wilbur Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA, senior fellow, 1981-82; Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford, CA, visiting scholar, 1983; Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, visiting professor, 1984-85, professor of law, 1985-, director of Institute of Comparative and International Law, 1987. Visiting professor at Alfred University and Elizabethtown College, both 1983; Max-Planck-Institut fuer auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht, visiting scholar, 1990. Publications: The Conservatism of the Kingdom of Poland during the Inter-Insurrectional Period, 1976; Black Radicalism in the United States, 1976; (with J. Wolenski) John Stuart Mill, 1979; Essays on Galician Political Movements, 1848-1892, 1980; Polish Political Culture (monograph), 1980; Main Currents of Polish Political Thought, 1815-1890, 1982; Will the Crisis of Communism Begin in Poland? (monograph), 1983; The Crisis of Communism, 1986; Continuity and Change in Poland, 1991; (ed. with K. Thompson) Constitutionalism and Human Rights, 1991; America and the World of Business, 1991; I-God (in Polish), 1992; (with W. Fox) The Beginning of the Constitutional Era, 1993; International Trade and Business Regulations, Vol. 1 (in Polish), 1996, (ed. and co-author) International Trade and Business Transactions, Vol. 2, 1998; Constitution-Making in the Region of Former Soviet Dominance, 1996; Comparative Constitutional Law, 2002; Comparative Human Rights nad Fundamental Freedoms, Vol. 1, 2002. Contributor to law and political studies journals. Address: Law School, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064, U.S.A. Online address:

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